Qigong in Basingstoke
Learn Qigong in Basingstoke at
weekly classes - beginners welcome
I'm pleased to let you
know about weekly classes in Foundational Qigong in Basingstoke at the
Roger Morris Centre. These are under the guidance
of Beth, who has studied Qigong with me since
2016. In 2023, having attended instructor training
with Senior Energy Arts
Instructor, Paul Cavel
of the Tai Chi Space in London, she is now
recognised as a Level 2 Instructor
in Foundational Qigong. I no longer teach
regularly in the Hampshire / Berkshire area in
Basingstoke or Reading. I now teach Qigong
in Craven Arms Shropshire.
What will I learn at
the Qigong classes?
The classes focus on
foundational practices of the water tradition of
Qigong. That means exercises to promote relaxation and
letting go. These include:
- Standing and
sitting alignments to improve the flow of blood
and chi in the body
- Breathing for
health and relaxation
- Circularity - the
basis for almost everything in the internal arts
Benefits of Qigong
- Relieve stress
- Relax your mind and
- Improve your
balance, co-ordination and posture
- Gentle movements
almost anyone can do sitting or standing
I've never done
anything like this Qigong stuff before...
OK, total beginners are very welcome. These are
practices that you can do at home on your own in just
a few minutes every day and, in fact, any time you
feel you need them. Exercises can be done standing, or
sitting on a chair, depending on your personal
capacity. The only requirement is that you should be
over 18. You don't have to know anything about
Qigong to come to these classes.